Please note that you must register with the the development team prior to purchasing a TurboFIRE license through WolfWare. Click to register before proceeding with this WolfWare transaction.
TurboFIRE (Release 1.1c) is a powerful tool for interactive, real-time fMRI. Through an intuitive user interface, the software provides excellent performance for real-time analysis. TurboFIRE enables both online and offline processing, and includes interactive features for novel paradigm design.
TurboFIRE supports a broad range of processing options, including:
- Preprocessing of multi-echo EPI data, including T2* fitting and weighted echo averaging
- 3D motion correction with real-time display of motion parameters
- Spatial normalization based on SPM99 by mapping the Talairach atlas into an individual’s brain
- Up to six simultaneous independent correlation analyses (sliding window or cumulative) and simultaneous General Linear Model analysis
- Automatic quantification of detected activation clusters in terms of spatial extent and maximum correlation coefficient / t-score
- Automatic neuro-anatomical labeling of activated clusters using Talairach Daemon database
- Automatic setup of study-specific processing parameters
- Automatic saving of scan setup, data, and results
Licensees will be able to download the software and two support documents (“Getting Started” and the “TurboFIRE User Manual”).
Additional Information
For more information about TurboFIRE, please see the development team’s or contact .
Licensing Information
TurboFIRE is only available at the present time for research purposes under an evaluation license for a $50 transaction fee. THE LICENSE EXPIRES ON JULY 31, 2007.
TurboFIRE runs on a Linux 2.4 system with an Intel Xeon 3.2 GHz processor and 2 GB RAM. Optional versions for UNIX (SUN, SGI, HP) are available upon request, but only the Linux version is downloadable through WolfWare.
The software interfaces to MR scanners with the Siemens Syngo platform. Requests for adaptation to other scanners\' operating systems will be considered.
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